It’s a kind
of magic.


The Ultrasonic antifouling

“Fouling” is a natural phenomenon that emerges with the formation of an invisible biofilm, which is rapidly colonized – according to light, temperature and nutrient richness of the water - by parasitic organisms.
Unfortunately, the fairing of a boat shell is critical because a smooth hull offers less resistance to movement, increasing boat speed and reducing its fuel consumption (1 to 2 mm of algae or organisms attached to a hull can result in a speed loss of about 15%).
CleanShell® solution:
operating principle

Using one or more high-frequency power generators, vibrational waves are transmitted to the hull via ultrasound. A number of transducers (from a minimum of 4 to 6 or 8 sensors, depending on the size of the boat) are bonded to the internal hull in specific locations chosen for maximum effectiveness.
The generator(s) send very high-frequency vibrational impulses to the transducers. The sonic vibrations generated are transmitted to the exterior of the boat, causing the formation of microbubbles in the water in immediate contact with the hull. These water molecules rapidly transition to a vapor phase due to the high vibrational energy they receive. The microbubbles then implode under water pressure and rapid cooling, producing ultrasonic shocks that prevent microorganisms from forming on the hull.

Keep in touch!

Gianluca De Marco
M. +39 349 5491585

Via Magenta 77/14A - 20017 Rho (MI) Italia
T. +39 02 93261020
F. +39 02 93261090